alright i have more than 20 things that i learned at penn and i thought they all deserved recognition so here they go:

1. if you wake up and there are 3 girls giggling with make up and markers in their hands don't just go "what the hell?" and go back to sleep with the door unlocked ( you should know better than that john)
2. at 9:30 you should automatically leave silvia alone in the room and not yell "SILVIA" in the hallway thinking she'd open the door (darcy knows what i'm talking about)
3. never tell anyone you're from Beverly hills or they'll keep asking you "is your zip code really 90210?"
4. Darcy really wants Ari Atari
5. don't ask for a massage from john (he'll do the wing thing) or from andy (he'll push on your bones and say they're knots)
6. if you're trying to catch a taxi forget it unless you want to wait 45 minutes (haha….suah and cynthia)
7. cigars may taste good but you might have to spend part of the night by yourself b/c of the smell
8. richard's cool he'll buy you drinks or at least the bum will
9. if you want a good laugh stick around sajan when he's drunk (drunk people say some interesting things :)
10. just b/c you're a girl doesn't mean you're not going to get an autobike (thanks a lot andy) can we say rug burn?
11. Don't say "why do I have bruises on my knees? I think it's b/c I went down so much…" even if you're talking about the dance b/c Darcy will start laughing and crying making a scene in Chili's.
12. South Street and 5th street intersect and don't try to drag the guys shopping b/c taxi's "are only allowed to carry 3 people maximum"
13. Don't draw any fishes and post it on someone's door only to take it down in an hour and worry about it
14. Azeem only has one thing in mind…. (we all know what it is)
15. Give Sarah a little to drink and she'll go CRAZY that girl has no tolerance
16. Even if you post a sign that says, "Road Rules Monday" you'll forget to watch it after waiting a week for it
17. Jasmine has the coolest boyfriend. I'm still jealous :)
18. Don't walk around in a swimsuit around the campus and make sure your ass isn't wet after swimming
19. Even If you didn't break the hat they'll all insist that you did
20. Silvia and Sajan seem to attract stalkers